Jakub Lausman

I have always dreamt about moving into the countryside and start a farm. Now I can use my own pasture just for flying
Pilot number:90
Motor:Paraelement Polini
Wing:BGD Luna 2
Years Flying: 6
Best competition result: 3rd Czech Paramotor Championship 2024
Flying goals:Popularize paramotor flying among the other sheep ang goat farmers and cheesemakers
Home airfield / club: Goat and sheep pasture / airfield Drzovice
Fun fact:I was born in Prague, but I have always dreamt about moving into the countryside and start a farm. Me and my wife moved into a very tiny village in 2001 and started a sheep and goat farm with a cheesery. For my 40th birthday and I received a flying course as a gift. It started as a bit of a joke but I have been flying ever since. I have quickly moved to paramotors, because I can fly in the morning before work and in the evening after work and I can also use my own pasture for flying. Just the neighbours are not always very happy with my early morning take offs.